Affordable Residential and Commercial Roofing Company In Cincinnati

Replacing Your Roof? Learn About 6 Different Roofing Materials and How to Choose the Right One for Your Home

storm damage

When you bought your home, it most likely had a roof on it already (and if it didn’t you almost surely got a fabulous deal). But every roof has a lifespan, and at some point, every homeowner will need to replace their home’s roof. When...

Boosting Curb Appeal: Vinyl Siding Trends and Options for Your Cincinnati Home

cincinnati vinyl siding

Cincinnati’s charming neighborhoods are a blend of historic elegance and modern flair, and vinyl siding has become a key player in transforming these homes. Versatile and cost-effective, home siding offers an array of options to elevate your home’s curb appeal. This isn’t your dad’s vinyl...

Title: Energy-Efficient Windows: A Smart Investment for Cincinnati Homeowners

window replacement

Cincinnati homeowners, take note – the secret to increased comfort, reduced energy bills, and a more sustainable home lies in your windows. Energy-efficient windows are not just a trend; they’re a smart investment tailored for Cincinnati’s climate. There are many benefits of energy-efficient windows, from...

How Roof Color Impacts Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

home energy efficiency graph

Here in Cincinnati, we experience a diverse climate, with hot summers and cold winters, all types of precipitation, and some strong storms. This range of weather demands careful consideration when it comes to home energy efficiency. Surprisingly, one factor that significantly influences a home’s thermal...

Shingle Granule Loss: What Is It and How Does It Impact Your Roof?

roof with shingles missing

As a homeowner with a shingle roof, you might never have even heard of shingle granules, but they are a crucial aspect of your roofing system. Those small, granular particles on the surface of your shingles serve a vital purpose, and when they begin to...

Harper Siding and Roofing: Cincinnati’s Top Roofing Company

roofline gable

When it comes to maintaining the structural integrity and value of your home, few things are as important as your roof, so when you’re looking for a local, professional roofer, you want the absolute best. If you’re in the Cincinnati area and are facing the...

Improve Your Home’s Comfort, Health, and Energy Efficiency with Proper Roof Ventilation

roof vent

When homeowners think about their roof and how it relates to airflow, ventilation is usually seen as a negative: drafts, leaks, shingles blown off in the latest windstorm. But when it comes to maintaining the health and longevity of your roof, one often overlooked aspect...

Replacing Your Roof?  Ask Your Roofer These Questions BEFORE You Get Started

roofing services and shingles

Replacing your roof is a huge investment and a critical part of maintaining your home’s integrity. Whether your roof has reached the end of its lifespan or has sustained an unfortunate amount of significant damage, you’ll want to make sure the replacement process goes smoothly...

9 Vital Tips for Making Sure Your Roof is Ready for Spring


Warmer weather, longer days, colorful flowers, and fresh breezes: the weather has definitely turned the corner from winter to spring. After the harsh weather of winter and the wet thaws of early spring, it’s important to care for your roof to make sure it got...

What are the Benefits of Replacing my Cincinnati Windows?

For many homeowners, they know that their windows will eventually need to be replaced, but it’s something they will put off for as long as possible … often until they are leaking, or until they are about to put their house on the market. And that’s a shame, because then you never get to enjoy your beautiful new windows! Replacement windows for your Cincinnati home will be more energy efficient, draft-free, more secure, and more aesthetically pleasing than your current, old windows. This translates into savings on your home heating and cooling bills, greater well-being and peace of mind for your family, and increased property and resale values for your home. In fact, it’s very possible that replacement windows will actually pay for themselves in cost savings elsewhere over time! Why not find out more about the benefits of updating your windows, and find out how you can invest in a safer, healthier, and more beautiful future for your family!